Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Training week, Sun 19 December to Sat 25 December 2010

Sunday, 19 December
35 min turbo session in the bike shed, switching a gear up every 5 min (for 20 min) and then back down for the second half.
Was testing if the knee was ok and it held up, but didn't put too much resistance on and just kept it nice and smooth.
HR Avg 138, HR Max 157

Had some trouble walking stairs though, so ice and arnica cream treatment continued.

Monday, 20 December
Took the day off. Knee got slightly worse and all I did today was walk a bit. Stairs are particularly painful. Not happy about this, but nothing I can do about this now.

Tuesday, 21 December
More fun in the bike shed on the turbo. I'm finding this quite Zen, like lane swimming, you get in the zone and the time just flies. Knee trouble contained, woke up with no pain, though it sometimes still flares up. But exercise in one plane seems to work.
10 min easy warm up spin
5x 3 min (2 gears up), 3 min easy (Max HR 160, HR rest 140)
10x (10 sec fast (gear up, 20 sec recovery) (Max HR 166)
10 min easy warm-down

Wednesday, 22 December
Travel day. All well, I'm gonna be home tonight. :-)

Saturday, 18 December 2010

More troubles with planning

As if planning training and planning actually getting to the event wasn't bad enough, the BTF, or (at least partially) the ETU have made things a bit more difficult.

The European Duathlon Championships are now in April in Limerick/ Ireland. This means that people going to Ireland, can't do the last qualifying event for the Worlds in Cambridge. This means that the BTF have now scheduled another qualifier at the end of February and it's getting all confusing. In the end it means, there are now 4 qualifiers for the Worlds, which means, per qualifier there are only 3 qualifying places per age group. I might consider going for the Europeans since it's in April and potentially less people would aim for that (and cos the weather in Ireland in April is potentially worse than the weather in Northern Spain at the end of September, never mind the added months to get yourself truly in shape). It's possible though that more people will go for both events. Oh, the choices!!

All this doubting is no use though! I'll just stick with the original plan... I'll train as normal for the race in March and will see where it gets me. Besides, with 3 or 4 places per race per age group, I'm slowly starting to realise that I'll actually have to come pretty high up in my age group to make it... but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Training week, Sun 12 December to Sat 18 December

The whole week was a bit of a white-wash to be honest. The Christmas party frenzy caught up with me and the cold never really came out, but manifested itself with a congested chest that wouldn't loosen off. One thing I've learned, with the sniffles you can run, with a potential chesty cough not.

Sunday, 12 December 2010
The annual Christmas Dinner at Charlie's. So I was out most of the day, prepping starters for 25 people... it's always nice company and just makes you realise how far everyone's come during the year. Cold feels a bit better.

Monday, 13 December 2010
Haggis dinner tonight... no training again... but that's ok. The chest is slowly coming off, but nothing amazing there.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Another evening spent at the cafe with a chat. Slowly getting antsy again that I really want to do something, but the cough thing is still there. Frustrating.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Figured some core work won't hurt.
30 min core session 2 sets of 7 exercises, 15 reps each, minimal rest between

Thursday, 16 December 2010
I had packed my running stuff and had the intention of going out for a run even after the office Christmas lunch and a couple of pints at the pub. I was right on track... but then Lady Gaga happened. One of my friend's friends got ill and had a spare ticket... who am I to turn down Lady Gaga for £20?! Besides "Bad Romance" is my birthday theme song for this year, so double reason to go! Mind it was slightly surreal, but massively entertaining... Ra Ra Oh Lala

Friday, 17 December 2010
Back on the horse. Sick of this cold business... light exercise prescribed. RESULT! My chest is finally loosening off... Hallelujah!

60 min Turbo-Session in the bike shed. It was snowy and freezing out... didn't have cold hands, but in the end my toes were cold never the less. Might have to try out those toe covers I've finally found, yay!! (I get massively excited about the little things).

12 min easy warm-up, easy spin HR avg 129
3 min 2 gears up, HR avg 153
90 sec easy (2 gears down)
3.30 min 2 gears up, HR avg 150
2 min easy (2 gears down)
4 min 2 gears up, HR avg 149
2 min easy (2 gears down)
7 min 2 gears up, HR avg 150
90 sec easy (2 gears down)
10 min 2 gears up, HR avg 153
15 min warm down (slowly gear down in 5 min intervals)

HR avg 142, HR max 158
Even though from a HR perspective this seems light work, I noticed it in my legs. Got lots of work to do.

Saturday, 18 December 2010
It was all set to be just a long run round my favourite venue, Richmond Park... and then at 9 am the snow came. Thick and fast, massively fast. Within an hour we had a good 10 inches, it was looking like a deep snow effort.
What was planned as a 90 min run, ended up being 1 hr 53 min, and just over 10 miles. Not fast and not far, but battling through snow makes up for that. At least my knee thinks so. My right patella seems slightly disgruntled with me. Ice and arnica gel me thinks. Massively wiped out.

Overall: 1hr 53 min 43 sec, 10.1 miles
Avg HR 141, Max HR 158

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Training week, Sun 5 Dec to Sat 11 Dec

The snow and ice continue...

Sunday, 05 December 2010
Spinning session at the Peak, Stirling
The session felt really tough, I had difficulty getting my cadence over 100 even on light resistance. I suppose the 85 min run from yesterday was still in my legs. It possibly also didn't help that I power walked from Cambusbarron to the Peak (4.6 km) in 35 min. I was quite hot and sweaty by the time I got there.
55 min Spinning (trying to keep cadence between 80 and 100) but it was a struggle to get over 90.
Avg HR 142, Max HR 169

Monday, 06 December 2010
30 min core session

Tuesday, 07 December 2010
Run around Kings Park
The weather was glorious and it was just lovely out there. Initially thought I'd go for some hill reps, however, the snow was quite deep in places and the footing quite uneven, so I figured a normal run would be just as well. Turns out the temperature was about -6C, despite the bright sunshine.
82 min run, Avg HR 152, Max HR 169
Distance: ca. 12 km

Wednesday, 08 December 2010
Swim at Stirling University
4x100 m (75m front, 25m back)
4x 2x 50 m drills (scull, side kick, doggy paddle, fists - swim back)
8x 25m increasing pace over the length
4x 200m in 4 min, 1 min rest
3x100m (75m front, 25m back)
Had to walk into uni in the morning and back in the evening. It seems to have taken a wee bit out of me, started sniffling a bit.

Thursday, 09 December 2010
Felt really worn out and decided that it wasn't smart to run. Started feeling cold throughout day. Not really liking this. I don't want to get ill AGAIN!!

Friday, 10 December 2010
This was going to be a travel day, back to London. Surprisingly little chaos on the trains. Woke up with a sore throat. Went straight to the paracetamol, bought lemsip tablets for on the train and lozenges for my sore throat. Made sure I was drinking lots on the train ride and trying to get some rest. Feeling quite perky now, will decide tomorrow morning whether I'll do the mob match or not.

Saturday, 11 December 2010
Felt massively under the weather. Other than venturing out for food shopping, I mainly made sure I got the Lemsip down.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Training week, Sun 28 Nov to Sat 4 Dec

The snow has come to Stirling Town and has thrown everything into a bit of chaos and covered everything under a blanket of snow. Unfortunately, it makes life rather difficult because the sports centre is closed and the few streets that are cleared are more like soft brown sugar to wade through.

Sunday, 28 November 2010
We intended to do the RNLI Reindeer Run, however it got cancelled and rightly so. It was snowing all Sunday without stopping and the only exercise possible was a short walk to the village shop for milk and some snow shovelling to avoid the worst. Did a few core exercises, but that was it.

Monday, 29 November 2010
We did more snow shovelling and got to uni in my car. I thought I'd try and see if there's a spinning session on, but all cancelled. So the exercise consisted of a walk through deep snow back from the rental place to Lou's house.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Cabin fever set in... had to go for a run.
Stirling University Loch
The snow was good and fluffy and provided sufficient grip for some decent running.
Total time: 56 min, Avg. HR 152, Max HR 173, distance: about 9.5 km
26 min warm-up jog around the loch (1.5 laps)
6x Rugby pitch hill with 100 yards on top (54-58 sec) (about 200m each) with jog back (1.15 min) Snow up the hill was about ankle deep, but on top there were some snow drifts which went about knee deep. Good fun this.
16 min warm-down jog (finish off lap + 1 lap)

Wednesday, 01 December 2010
Lots of walking in the snow today. Intended a swim but the times didn't work out.

Thursday, 02 December 2010
Stirling University Loch
Total time: 68 min, Avg HR 152, Max HR 173, distance: 11.3 km
16 min warm-up jog (1 lap)
7x 3 min pick-up, 90 sec recovery jog (2.5 laps)
22 min warm-down jog (1.5 laps)
It was quite good fun running in the twilight. The snow illuminated the path, however, after the last one it was just too dark for fast running.

Friday, 03 December 2010
Thought again I might get a swim in, but with the department Christmas lunch and the Panto in the evening that didn't happen.

Saturday, 04 December 2010
Beautiful weather so a long run was well in order.
Kings Park, Stirling
The snow surface was marvellous and the sun was reflecting off the snow. Together with the scenery and the views of Stirling castle the time just flew by. Just a really enjoyable run.
84 min run
Avg HR 146, Mac HR 160, distance: 13 km
In hindsight, that's pretty slow, but then again, it was in the snow and a good deal of it was the soft brown sugar kind. So I suppose it's alright, and it's mainly time on my feet.