Yesterday, I got my first pack which I suppose is going to last me about 2 weeks. It's a very fine yellowish powder (as you might expect since it's more or less powdered milk). The instructions say to take it on an empty stomach and for improved recovery to take 1 teaspoon twice a day in milk, yoghurt, juice or water.
I'm mainly after improving my health and recovery, not so much to improve my muscle mass (which is apparently one of its attributes if taken in higher doses).
(the most current up-date on the experiment is on top)
14 February - 10 March 2011
During the last couple of weeks of the experiment, nothing much happened. I felt fine, although I felt like the reduced dosage impacted somewhat. I felt slightly less fresh and my sleep was a bit erratic. However, that might have been to do with quite a stressful period. Redundancies mentioned at work, the last bits of my PhD publication didn't go as smoothly as I had anticipated, the National XC was quite a horrendous experience and then I got caught out in severe rain while on the bike and got severely hypothermic. It took me the rest of the Sunday to warm up again. Usually, after stressful periods, I get ill straight away, however, this time, it took me about 3 weeks. I put that down to taking Neovite that my body held up for that long. So quite exciting as a result. However, the cold was just immense. One week in bed with very little movement anywhere. Took quite a long time to get over it, and it's still lingering a bit. Shame the Neovite is finished, but I'll soon look into buying some, since it's done me a load of good.
07-13 February 2011
The Neovite experiment is progressing. Nothing unusual happens these days. My body seems to do alright and despite the stress of this week, with more of a psychological impact than anything else, it's holding up. I've been sleeping very badly over the last week, but physically I am fine. Caught a massive blister on the front of my toe in the last race... umpf... now to the test whether Neovite makes your body heal better.
02-06 February 2011
There are no major changes on a day to day basis now. However, some changes I've recently noticed is that my skin has improved substantially. I tended to break outs and since starting to take Neovite, this has improved substantially. I've also noticed that I really do recover quicker. Today (06/02) was a good test: I ran a 10 miler yesterday and today did a XC temporun in quite hilly and sandy terrain. Initially my legs felt achey and weren't really up to much, however, once the gun went off I felt actually rather strong and didn't run out of steam towards the end (even though it got quite tough). So there are definitely positive side effects, I've noticed.
01 February 2011
Nothing new on the Neovite front. Things going well. Had an absolute smoker of a session, howdy! Loved it! Felt strong and in control throughout. Good stuff! Despite having a crap night and waking up early, I was rested and ready for the session.
31 January 2011
It's a normal day in the world of me and Neovite. All good. Have established a routine with getting up having my morning portion then heading for a shower. The day goes by and usually I take the second portion shortly before going to bed, which leaves enough time for dinner after training (i.e. the recommended 2 hour gap after having food). That seems to work just fine.
30 January 2011
Feeling a bit bunged up in the morning, but it usually subsides rather quickly and then feeling alright. I'm sleeping much better, feel more rested even if it's a short night. I seem to have more energy in general. Not sure though what to attribute this to. I'm also making a conscious effort to drink enough and eat more often but smaller portions. But overall, feeling a lot more within myself.
29 January 2011
Went for a 90 min run today. It was slow (but faster than last week) and my legs felt absolutely fine. I'm used to them bombing out within an hour of the run and getting quite achey, but none of this. Even during the run, my legs feel fresher, it's just the rest of my body, that's not complying. Haven't done any more taste experiments and have kind of settled on the yoghurt, flavoured yoghurt, cocoa and ribena options. That's quite a bit of variety and gets me through the week.
28 January 2011
No adverse effects of upping the dosage. Noticing that I sleep better. I wake up more relaxed which is quite nice. Ticking along nicely.
27 January 2011
New instructions from the Neovite crew: take 20g per day for 15 days... so I've upped the dosage to a full measuring spoon per portion. Don't think it'll have any massive effects like it had when I started, but we shall see.The need for regular food is becoming quite apparent. I need to keep snacking now throughout the day. But little things like apples etc do. Wouldn't have thought it would have an effect on being hungry, but suppose when your gut and intestines get more efficient and effective at digesting it's what you get. That might be a wrong theory though... will keep an eye on this.
26 January 2011
No problems at all after the heavy meal. I'm noticing though that I have to eat more regularly, otherwise I get very hungry. I have also slightly upped the dosage, mainly because I found a measuring spoon that's more or less exactly 10g. In the evening, felt a bit nauseous, like I was going to throw up, but a case of needing food. I need to eat quite regularly now. But overall, feeling good and much better.
25 January 2011
All normal, nothing unsual. Took the evening ration after quite a heavy Ethiopian dinner. Normally my tummy would've been quite upset from all the fat. But no problems when going to bed.
24 January 2011
Feeling good today, though slightly tired and worn. However, the body is fine. The mix held up well and so prepping portions for at least a day seems a time saving option. Tummy rumbles have settled and everything else seems to have balanced out. The preferred serving option is with yoghurt and milk.
23 January 2011
Yoghurt, ribena and milk is definitely the way forward in consuming Neovite. My tummy has settled down as well. Feeling good. Went for along bike ride and didn't have a terrible lot of food with me, but never hit the wall as such. Felt tired when I was home, but no cramping and bonking of legs. So far so good. Mixed a batch to take with me cos I'm away over night. It's the Ribena mix with yoghurt and milk. Will see how that holds up.22 January 2011
Woke-up and felt actually rather good. Not bunged up like I have the last couple of days. Couldn't be bothered with another taste experiment this morning, so mixed it in milk diluted with water and just got it down. My tummy starts rumbling (says somewhere that's normal). No problems during run though, legs didn't really feel tired at the end of 90 min and even after the shower they didn't go all funny, like they usually do. Excellent! Friend commented that Neovite might cause some gastric problems... and boy was he right. Had a couple of times today, where I rather suddenly really, really needed the toilet.
Mixed it in some Ribena diluted with water - YAY!!! Rather tasty that! Tummy has calmed down a bit. Feel overall quite well recovered from the run. Another YAY!
21 January 2011
Getting the stuff down first thing in the morning is going to be a challenge. I've tried some vanilla yoghurt this morning, diluted with milk. That was more agreeable, but I will need to establish a routine. Maybe before showering. Felt actually quite good and my legs weren't sore.
It mixed in milk with some cinnamon and diluted with water. Nope! No taste improvement!
20th January 2011
Thought I'd get started right away. It's after a hill session and I worked pretty hard in that. Took it before going to bed because it was more than 2 hours after last food intake. Started off with a low dose (1 teaspoon) in water. It has a bit of a strange taste, like the non-fat milk. I have to find something to mix it with, otherwise I'm forcing myself to take it which is not necessarily the enjoyable way.